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The Really Popular Book Club: Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

7:00pm-8:00pm on Tuesday 19 March

Zoom Meetings

Ancient Greek shield-bands: Inside the mind of a hoplite

5:30pm-7:00pm on Tuesday 19 March

Wolfson College

The Mirror Trap

7:00pm-8:00pm on Wednesday 20 March


How will AI affect the democratic process?

6:00pm-7:30pm on Wednesday 20 March

Cambridge Union Society

Ten years of discovery at David Parr House: Reflections on the journey so far

6:30pm-8:00pm on Wednesday 20 March

David Parr House , Visitor Centre

Cambridge Conversations: What climate change can do for you

8:00pm-9:00pm on Wednesday 20 March

Cambridge Union Society