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electro//acoustic day

10:00am-9:00pm on Friday 21 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

West Road Concert Hall, 11 West Road, CB3 9DP

Now in its second year, electro//acoustic day brings together exceptional musicians performing both classical instrumental and vocal repertoire alongside cutting-edge electronic music, embracing non-traditional ways of experiencing sound to create new relationships between music, tradition, and innovation.

The sonic and physical space, spatialization, and embodiment of sound are central to the event, spanning three concerts, a sound-visual installation, a poetry reading, and a dance performance—all designed to create an immersive experience. The fusion of digital media with acoustic instruments highlights the incredible diversity and potential of contemporary creative expression—an artistic synergy that the Faculty of Music and The Cambridge Festival, with the support of King’s College, are proud to host.

Artistic Director, Marta Gentilucci

on common ground | entangling

West Road Foyer - All day long, opening at 9:30am
Audio-visual Installation

Carmack Composition Award
West Road concert Hall, 10 – 11am

Public performance of the finalists’ original compositions for vocal ensemble.
Choral Consort, conducted by Edward Wickham

concert 1 | voices
West Road Concert Hall, 1 – 2pm

Vocal music from the Renaissance, contemporary repertoire and electronic music
EXAUDI Ensemble, Juliet Fraser, Girton College Choir

intermezzo || dialogues

West Road Foyer, 2:15 – 3:00

Poetry reading
mines, texts read by Elisa Biagini & David Cain with an introduction and Q&A by Marta Gentilucci

concert 2 | chambers
West Road Concert Hall, 3:30 – 4:30pm

Contemporary instrumental and electronic music performed by the Riot Ensemble

Intermezzo | dancing
West Road Foyer, 6:45 – 7:15 pm

Composer Marta Gentilucci will present and discuss entangled, her new multi-media composition for electronics, dancers and video projections, followed by Q&A with the photographer Edward Dimsdale.

concert 3 | solos
WR concert Hall, 7:30 – 8:30pm

Baroque and contemporary recorder repertoire, dance performance, and electronic music

Artisan food track and bar will be available at West Road site

The electro//acoustic day is supported by the Faculty of Music, The Cambridge Festival, King’s College and UCAM Shape Hub/Collusi

Booking/Registration is: REQUIRED

Additional Information

Age: All Ages
Format: Talk, Workshop, Performance
Timing: In person
Cost: free
Event Capacity: 300
Theme: Discovery, Society
Accessibility: Full access

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