12:15pm-1:15pm on Saturday 16 March2:45pm-3:45pm on Saturday 16 March
Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, Wolfson Lecture Theatre Lensfield Road, CB2 1EW
In his lecture, Professor Erwin Reisner will present emerging technologies that can use the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and also biomass and plastic waste as precious resources in a solar-powered economy. He will make a case for solar energy and the need to produce sustainable fuels and chemicals for energy storage, transportation and the chemical industry. The concept and prototypes of solar-powered devices to synthesise renewable energy carriers and chemicals for a post-fossil future will be examined. Professor Reisner will highlight the critical role that chemistry has to play in meeting global net zero targets, and also give insights into the contemporary research of his laboratory.
The presentation will be suitable for a general audience, and no chemistry background is required.
More information is available at: www-reisner.ch.cam.ac.uk/