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All about our cells

11:00am-4:00pm on Saturday 22 March

Times shown are in GMT (UTC +0) up to the 26th March. For events on or after 27th March times are in BST (UTC +1).

Cambridge Academy for Science and Technology, Robinson Way (Close to the Junction of Robinson Way and Long Road), CB2 0SZ

What are cells? How many do you have? What are they made of? At the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, we study the building blocks of cells and how they work. We then try to discover what happens when they go wrong. This helps us to understand diseases better, so that in the future, new treatments might be developed.

Take a closer look inside your cells with our range of microscopes, and try out our hand-held mini-microscopes. Have a go at making a plasticine cell in a Petri dish, and challenge yourself to build some molecules with our kits.

Booking/Registration is: RECOMMENDED

Drop-in, no booking required

Additional Information

Age: All Ages
Format: Workshop
Timing: In person
Theme: Health
Accessibility: Full access

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Image copyright: Image by Isabelle Hall, Prof Evan Reid's lab

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